テンネン ガタ アブシジン サン ノ ドジョウ サンプ ガ ウンシュウミカン ノ カジツ ヒダイ ト ヒンシツ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ


植物ホルモンの天然型アブシジン酸(S-ABA)を土壌散布処理し,ウンシュウミカンの果実の肥大と品質に及ぼす影響を2009年と2010年に調べた。両年ともS-ABA土壌散布(0,0.1,1,10ppm)を果実肥大期の7月と9月に2回行ったところ,果実の肥大が促進され,S-ABA区で果重,果実の横径,縦径が大きくなった。一方,果皮色は,S-ABA処理区で着色が両年とも抑制された。糖含量はS-ABA処理区で低くなりS-ABA 10ppm区が最も低かった。酸度はS-ABA処理区と対照区の間に有意な差はみられなかった。果汁中のカリウム含量が対照区に比較してS-ABA処理区で高く,その処理濃度が高くなるにつれてカリウム含量が増加した。これらの結果より,根へのS-ABA処理は果実の肥大と成熟に作用することが示された。In 2009 and 2010, we conducted experiments to investigate the effects of soil application of the naturally occurring form of abscisic acid (S-ABA), a type of plant hormone, at four concentrations (0, 0.1, 1, 10ppm) on the development and quality of satsuma mandarin fruit. In both years, S-ABA was applied to the soil twice during the fruit development stage. In both years, S-ABA application promoted fruit development, indicated by increases in fruit fresh weight, as well as transverse and longitudinal diameters of fruit, on S-ABA-treated trees. At the same time, fruit coloration was delayed in fruits from S-ABA-treated trees. Sugar contents of fruit were reduced by S-ABA treatment, and the lowest sugar content was recorded with 10ppm S-ABA treatment. No significant differences in acidity were observed between fruit from S-ABA-treated and control trees. In addition, the potassium contents of fruit juice from S-ABA-treated trees were elevated when compared with levels in control trees. The above results demonstrate that treatment of roots with S-ABA via soil application promotes fruit development and inhibits fruit maturation

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