Beekeeping : Malaysia Research and Development (1987-1990)


Beekeeping, a traditional subsistence industry, integrates well in the culture of the rural folk in Malaysia. This is seen by the use of honey in traditional medicines, their folklore on bees (e.g. "The Tiger and the Gong of Prophet Solomon"}, the incantations relating to the harvesting of honey from wild bees, the diverse methods employed in the honey-hunting of the Giant Honey bee (A. dorsata) and the regious belief in the virtues of honey. Malaysia imports most of its honey from Australia, China and U.S.A. Local honey supply from honey-hunting does not meet local demand and fetches premium prices at the market as compared to imported treated pure foreign honey. Local honey is preferred to foreign honey because of the local taste preference. Therefore, there is a tremendous market tor local honey production in Malaysia. Despite the availability of abundant species of nectar and pollen floral sources, the full potential of modern beekeeping has yet to be realised. Beekeeping, if promoted, would enable the rural poors to participate and supplement their income because it requires small investment of time and money, the operation and labour scale is flexible, and even the landless can raise bees. Honeybees are considered the most accessible microlivestock in coconut small-holdings. Feral colonies of A. cerana are easily found in coconut tree trunks, outhouses, coconut kilns and dwellings in these areas. They are there readily to be hived into boxes for rearing which otherwise are left unattended. The fact that there are several indigenous species of honeybees (A. cerana, A. dorsata and A. florea) in Malaysia, augers well for the beekeeping industry to flourish in Malaysia

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