Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor Barat, ID
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Madagascar : pour une meilleure adaptation de la riziculture "atriatry" aux changements climatiques; le cas de MarovoayThe bulletin focuses on the Plain of Marovoay, encompassing 15,400 hectares of rice fields. Irrigation depends on hillside dams which are emptying faster due to shorter rainy seasons. The Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (CCAA) project “Vulnerability and Adaptation of Agricultural Systems in Madagascar” facilitated reflection among a group of farmers and the municipalities of Ankazomborona and Marovoay, to help them better adapt their rice growing to climate risks. This brief summarizes ideas that emerged from the group regarding adaptation measures taken during the project and the support needed to accompany their longer-term adaptation strategy