Avaliação de germoplasma de algodoeiro herbáceo no Nordeste brasileiro


This paper presents a study of the behavior of advanced Upland-type strains of herbaceus cotton (Gossyplum hirsutum L.r. latifolium Hutch.) developed by the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Algodão (CNPA) of EMBRAPA and by other Brazilian research institutions. The following traits were evaluated: seed-cotton yield, boll weight, 100 seed weight, lint percentage, fiber length, fiber uniformity, and fiber strenght. Data were collected from the Regional Variety Trials which were set up in randomized blocks design with nine treatments and eight replications. They were conducted in eight different locations within the Northeast of Brazil during theyear 1981. The new strains evolved by CNPA showed a good yield performance since they yielded from 1,005 to 1.634 kg/ha. With respect to the other characters under study, it has been observed that there were strains processing the quality standards required by the nacional textil industry. Variety BR1 had the highest average yield production (1,166 kg/ha) closely followed by CNPA 77-150 (1,157 kg/ha) and Paraná 1 (1,130 kg/ha). For boll weight and lint per cent the best genotypes were respectively IAC 17 and CNPA-SME4 for the former and IAC 17 and Paraná 1 for the later.Estudou-se o comportamento de novas linhagens de algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L.r. latifolium Hutch) desenvolvidas pelo Centro Nacional de Pesquisa do Algodão (CNPA) e por outras instituições de pesquisa do País. Observaram-se os aspectos de rendimento de algodão em caroço, peso de capulho, peso de 100 sementes, e percentagem, comprimento, uniformidade e resistência de fibra. Utilizaram-se os dados fornecidos pelos Ensaios Regionais de Cultivares, delineado em blocos ao acaso com nove tratamentos e oito repetições e conduzidos em oito diferentes localidades do Nordeste do Brasil, no ano de 1981. As novas linhagens revelaram um bom desempenho para o aspecto de rendimento que variou de 1.055 a 1.634 kg/ha. Estas novas linhagens possuem as qualidades exigidas pela indústria têstil nacional. O genótipo BR1 apresentou maior rendimento (1.166 kg/ha), seguido pelo CNPA 77-150 (1.157 kg/ha) e Paraná (1.130 kg/ha). Destacaram-se para peso de capulho o IAC 17 e o CNPA 78-SME4 e para percentagem de fibra o IAC 17 e o Paraná 1

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