Control of beans web-blight by fungicides


Visando controlar a meia (Rhizoctonia microsclero tia Matz) do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) avaliaram-se os efeitos dos fungicidas tiabendazol (0,25 kg do i.a./100 l de água), benomil (0,05 kg do i.a./100 l de água), mancozeb (0,15 kg do i.a./100 l de água) e pentacloronitrobenzeno (0,30 kg do i.a./100 l de água). Os tratamentos incluíram quatro fungicidas, variando-se a data do início das pulverizações, os intervalos e o número de aplicações, além de testemunha. Utilizou-se a cultivar Rosinha. Os fungicidas tiabendazol e benomil foram, em ordem decrescente, os que proporcionaram controle, indiferentemente da época, intervalo e número de aplicações. Mancozeb e pentacloronitrobenzeno se equivaleram à testemunha quanto à incidência da mela.In order to control the web-blight (Rhizoctonia microesclerotia Matz) of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), the effect of fungicides thiabendazole (0,25 kg a.i./100 l water), benomyl (0,05 kg a.i./100 l water), maneb + zinc (0,15 kg a.i./100 l water), and pentacloronitrobenzene (0,30kg a.i./100 l water) was evaluated. All fungicides were applied varying the date of first application, intervals, and the number of applications. Unsprayed plots were used as control. The bean cultivar Rosinha was used. The fungicides thiabendazole and benomyl showed superior control independently of time, intervals, and number of application. Maneb + zinc and pentacloronitrobenzene did not differ from the control concerning to incidence of web-blight

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