シンジン ホイクシャ ノ カタリ ニ ミル ガイコク ニ ツナガリ ノ アル コドモ ノ イル ホイク


本研究は、外国につながりのある子どもがいる教室で営まれる乳幼児保育の現況と課題を探ることを目的としている。愛知・三重県内の保育所で勤務する4 人の若手保育者の新人としての経験に関する語りを研究対象にデータ収集を行った。面接調査の結果、地域のリソースや現場研修の機会に差があること、子どもへの対応より保護者対応に強い危機意識をもっていることなどが示された。一方外国籍の子どもへの対応として保育者らが課題としていた事項は、一般的な保育としての課題でもあり、現場の新人保育者を支える仕組みづくりが重要であることも示唆された。養成段階での異文化理解教育・多文化教育についても更なる研究が必要である。This study explores the current trends and challenges for ECEC teachers through narrative stories told by four young teachers working in Aich and Mie prefectures where many of their students\u27 families are non-Japanese or mixed race. These teachers were asked to tell their stories about how they met; responded to; felt by being challenged; or interacted with their students and their non-Japanese/mixed race families. Their narrative stories illustrate that the teachers had more difficulty interacting with the parents rather than the children. In addition, they also had problems which they attributed to the children of non-Japanese/mixed-race families, which were actually related to being novice teachers. One teacher\u27s narrative shows that with systematic on-going support she had several opportunities to discuss issues related to her students with other professionals knowledgeable in understanding other cultures. From the analysis of the narratives, the author finally suggests desired changes in teacher education programs and professional development training for new teachers

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