Porous ceramic cups for soil solution extiaction


Em um solo bem drenado (LE) e em um solo de várzea (GPI-1) submetido a inundação, analisaram-se semanalmente soluções coletadas em campo, através de cápsulas porosas mantidas no solo durante todo o período de amostragem (15 semanas para o LE e 22 semanas para o GPII). Foram observados o movimento de Ca, Mg, K e NO no perfil do solo LE e o aumento na concentração de Fe no solo GPII. A progressiva obstrução dos poros das cápsulas com partículas coloidais em ambos os solos e a deposição de óxidos-hidróxidos de Fe na superfície interna das cápsulas no solo inundado foram alguns dos inconvenientes observados no método.Sou selution samples of a well drained latosol (LE-oxisol) and of a lowland flooded soU (Low-}lumic Gley - LHG) were collected with porous ceramic cups and analysed weekly. The pomos ceramic cups were kept iii the soU during the whole sampimg periods (15 weeks for the Lii soil and 22 weeks for the LIIG soil). The movement of Ca, Mg, K and NOT ipi the LE soU profile and the iiicrease in Fe in the solution of the LUO soU were observed. Obstruction of the ceramie cups pores by a progressive deposition of coiloidal material on the external surface of tbe cups and precipitation of Fe oxi-hydroxides on the internal surface of the cups were problems one observed that reduced the efficiency of the ceramic eups in laking reliable soi.l solution sample

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