Reanalysis of vertical mixing in mesocosm experiments: PeECE III and KOSMOS 2013


Here we provide optimised vertical eddy diffusivity estimates for the PeECE III and KOSMOS 2013 mesocosm experiment, obtained from a model-based reanalysis. These diffusivities are derived from the observed temperature and salinity profiles that have been published in Schulz et al., 2008. Furthermore, we make our model code available, providing an adjustable tool to simulate vertical mixing in any other pelagic mesocosm. We also provide the interpolated and regridded temperature and salinity profiles of the PeECE III experiment as well as the density profiles which we calculated from the temperature and salinity profiles using the R package seacarb (Lavigne et al., 2011). These data files are required as input to run simulations of the PeECE III experiment with the 1D mesocosm mixing model. The columns of the environmental files (required input files for the model) from left to right are: Experiment year, month, day, Julian day, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) [W/m^2], temperature [C], salinity [PSU], CO2 concentration [ppm], wind speed [m/s]. The rows list the respective value of each hour of the experiment. Temperature and salinity in this table are hourly interpolated values of the daily measurements published by the PeECE III team (2005). PAR has been calculated from global radiation data of Bergen provided by Olseth et al., 2005. In the temperature, salinity and density files, the rows indicate the depth (0.5 m resolution, the first row is the surface, the last row is the bottom), whereas the columns indicate the experiment time at an hourly resolution

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