Paesaggi della memoria e dell’innovazione. Ri-abitare i paesaggi della riforma agraria foggiana


In the firsts decades of the last century, the plain of Foggia was invested by an important intervention of landed property transformation that, on the one hand proposed a significant land reclamation of the Tavoliere delle Puglie and on the other hand, an intense urban activity for the construction of new rural settlements: the suburbs of the Foggia city. This settlement and development policy for the rural centers still characterizes the agrarian landscape in the plain of Foggia today, where it is possible to find vast public properties: large estates, water networks, scattered dwellings, complete suburbs and evocative functionalist architectures. The project proposes a strategy to give value to the local rural landscape and its immense public estate, generating new forms of development that could answer the needs of a “new rurban society”, respecting the identity features of the agrarian reform landscape

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