Sistemi di documentazione per l’analisi ed il progetto di recupero del forte San Lorenzo el Real del Chagre, Colón, Panama


The paper is a summary of some studies that have focused on the documentation for the restoration and enhancement of the Fort San Lorenzo el Real del Chagres in Panama. The aim of the project is to develop an experimental methodology for the creation of descriptive atlases with an informative and reliable metric survey systems; a documentary corpus necessary for the understanding of the historical events which have affected this place, today declared UNESCO heritage, and for the definition of guidelines for restoration and enhancement. The monument is unique for both the special relationship with the surrounding context for defensive strategies terms, and for the deep connection with the events that have affected not only the colonization and development of Panama, but the entire Central America. From the first project of a "Castillo" to the creation of present's fortified fortress overlooking the outfall of the Chagres River, the paper is going to explain the major historical events that have influenced the image of the building, illustrating the documentation and the recovery project

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