L’informazione al paziente oncologico: analisi della letteratura grigia dedicata ai minori


L’informazione ludico-terapeutica favorisce l’adesione ai trattamenti e il benessere. In questo lavoro si è censita ed analizzata la letteratura grigia destinata ai minori pazienti oncologici. Si sono identificati 13 materiali pertinenti, riportandone dati bibliografici, caratteristiche fisiche e contenutistiche. Le pubblicazioni sono, per struttura, contenuto e linguaggio, adatte ai destinatari.Background. The ludic-therapeutic information to cancer young patients is crucial to promote their adherence to treatments, share to clinical procedures, control of anxiety, fear and pain resulting from illness and the diagnostic and therapeutic pathway to be taken. Publications for informational, popular purposes seem to be scarcely known by health professionals involved in the care of the pediatric patient. The study aims to survey and analyze the gray literature intended for pediatric patients, in order to assess its characteristics and bring them to the attention of health care professionals. Materials and Methods. The identified publications were surveyed through the collection of bibliographic data and analyzed, according to their intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics, by a data collection grid created ad hoc (the appeal of the publication, the layout of the text, the pictures, the structuring of the text, content, vocabulary and involvement of the reader). Results. The convenience sample found and analyzed is of 13 teaching aids, selected according to the following criteria: gray literature, and popular informational purposes; recipients children and adolescents. Conclusions. The publications taken into account are suitable to the recipients for their structure, content and language. It is our purpose to analyze thoroughly the characteristics and quality of information produced, the use and dissemination of these publications in onco-pediatric wards as well as the repercussions that these materials have on children and teenager cancer patients who read them through the use of cards validated

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