Evaluating PSU\u27s Community Forests: Langdon Woods and Fox Park


Langdon Woods and Fox Park are two community forests located on the Plymouth State University campus which provide numerous ecosystem services for students and residents. The goal of this project is to evaluate these services and propose future courses of action which will improve and protect these areas. We are also working with the ES&P Seminar class to achieve Tree Campus USA status for PSU. Langdon Woods borders the Baker River and is located on its floodplain. This area has walking and biking trails and is used by a variety of PSU’s ES&P and Adventure Education classes. We will examine the possibility of putting Langdon Woods into a conservation easement. We will also work with Angel Ekstrom, who has proposed a cluster project to further develop mountain biking trails in Langdon Woods and Fox Park. Our group will utilize both iTree canopy and iTree design to get an idea of the tree species composition, canopy cover, potential economic value, etc. Also, we will work in GIS to develop analyze these areas and produce maps. We have access to the wildlife management plan and will use this to evaluate the animal species present and their conservation status

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