
Measured Interfacial Residual Strains Produced by In-Flight Ice


The formation of ice on aircraft is a highly dynamic process during which ice will expand and contract upon freezing and undergoing changes in temperature. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations were performed investigating the stress build up in a simplified case with uniform temperature changes between an idealized ice sample and acrylic substrate. These results were used to place strain gages on custom-built acrylic and aluminum specimens; these specimens were then placed in icing conditions such that ice was grown on top of the specimen. Tee rosettes were placed in two configurations adjacent to thermocouple sensors. It was hypothesized that the ice would expand on freezing and contract as the temperature of the interface returned to the equilibrium conditions. While results from the aluminum specimens matched this hypothesis, results from the acrylic specimens show a short period of contraction followed by a much larger expansion at the interface, indicating more complex ice growth thermodynamics than anticipated. Samples were observed to delaminate, and the data suggests that the residual strain is significant to the shedding of ice for in-flight applications

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