
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has fascinated to great extent significance in the last decade. It opened a new series of applications such as monitoring including environmental monitoring large area, exploration of wildlife, and real-time patient medical data which is collected by wireless sensors. The WSN provides the options of flexibilities and costs saving for patients and healthcare enterprises. At the same time, there is a viable concern about the hospitals’ ability to provide adequate care during emergency events. Tools that automate patient monitoring have likely to improve efficiency and quality of health care significantly. In hospitals, medical information sensors which monitor patients produce an increasingly large amount of real-time data. The delivery of this data through wireless networks in a hospital becomes a critical problem because the pathological information of an individual is highly sensitive. It must be kept private and secure. In this article, we propose a realistic approach to preventing the inside attack by ensuring secure data transmission. The main contribution of this article is securely distributing the patient data by implementing Privacy-Preserving Data Transmission Protocol and employing the Paillier and ElGamal cryptosystems to perform statistic analysis on the patient data without compromising the patients’ privacy. We enhance this protocol to reduce the overhead by implementing secure data aggregation method

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