
Glass can be used in lots of forms in day-to-day existence. It's limited life time after utilize it is either stock stacked or delivered to landfills. Since glass is non-biodegradable, landfills don't offer an atmosphere friendly solution. Hence, there's strong have to utilize waste glasses. Many efforts happen to be designed to use waste glass in concrete industry like a substitute of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and cement. Its performance like a coarse aggregate substitute has been discovered to become non-acceptable due to strength regression and expansion because of alkali-silica reaction. The study implies that there's strength loss because of fine aggregate substitution also. The purpose of the current work ended up being to use glass powder like a substitute of cement to evaluate the pozzolanic activity of proper glass powder in concrete and compare its performance along with other pozzolanic materials like silica fume and fly ash. A number of tests were conducted to review the result of 15% and 30% substitute of cement by silica fume, fly ash and glass powder on compressive durability and strength by means of capillary absorption. The particle size effect was evaluated by utilizing glass powder of size 150µm-100µm and glass powder of size under 100µm. The current study implies that waste glass, if ground finer than 100µm shows a pozzolanic behavior. It responds to lime at initial phase of hydration developing extra CSH gel therefore developing denser cement matrix. The first use of alkalis by glass particles mitigate alkali-silica reaction hence increase reliability of concrete

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