Dal giornale Agos alla riscoperta del patrimonio culturale armeno in Turchia


This article aims to investigate the role of the Armenian newspaper <em>Agos</em>, and consequently of the foundation Hrant Dink Vakfı, in rediscovering the Armenian cultural heritage in Turkey. One of their main priorities is the reconstruction of the Armenian presence in Anatolia before the Genocide of 1915, through a series of projects and research activities. Furthermore, this contribution aims specifically to understand the necessity for the Armenian community to rediscover the religious architectural heritage since ruins of churches are the only physical trace left of the Armenian presence in Anatolia. By means of an interdisciplinary (architectural heritage and memory studies) approach the case study of Kayseri, a central Anatolian city, is presented with specific references to the contributions by Agos and Hrant Dink Vakfı

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