Gli strumenti di P.I.P.P.I.: orchestrare l’incontro per trasformare la realtà


In order to put theories and methods into practice, P.I.P.P.I. provides several tools that are used to support the care process within a participatory and transformative evaluation perspective where the link between assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation is key and where children and parents are fully protagonists of their care path. After a pedagogical reflection on the sense of using the tools within the work of social services, the paper presents the main tools (as the multidimensional model of the Child’s World – CW, RPMonlin, and the CW Questionnaire, Pre-Postassessment and the questionnaire SDQ) used by professionals to give voice to children and families and foster their participation, and whose data are used also evaluate the outcome of the families on a individual and aggregate level

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