OPEC countries: research performance across nations in Library and Information Science


Study analyses scientometric assessment of LIS research performance of OPEC member countries. The research publication data indexed in Scopus for the OPEC member countries were extracted and used for the analysis. The data are analyzed to identify quantitative research performance of OPEC member countries in terms of total documents, citable documents, and non-citable documents. The citation impact is measured by different parameters, like total citations, citations per document, Relative Citation Impact, self-citations, and self-citations per document. Finally, the quality of the document is assessed by means of h-index. Nigeria has been found to be most productive country in LIS research and Iran is receiving highest citations and also in h-index performance amongst OPEC member countries. Iraq, Libya, and Ecuador are far away in LIS research productivity and needs strong steps to improve LIS research productivity for future endeavor

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