ผลการบริบาลทางเภสัชกรรมในทารกคลอดก่อนกำหนดที่ได้รับอาหารทางหลอดเลือดดำ Outcomes of Pharmaceutical Care in Premature Newborns Receiving Parenteral Nutrition


Objective: To investigate clinical outcomes of pharmaceutical care servicein premature newborns receiving parenteral nutrition (PN), and acceptanceof the service in preventing and solving inappropriate of PN formula.Method: This prospective descriptive study purposively included prematurenewborns in Smutprakarn hospital, Thailand, between Jan. 3 and Jun. 30,2014 by purposive sampling. A pharmacist monitored the change of bodyweight and evaluated clinical outcomes throughout the PN period. Thepharmacist suggested the intervention on issues found regarding PN eg.production-related and PN-related complication problems. The interventionswere followed up. Results: Of the 45 premature newborns included, 27boys were found. Their average birth weight was 1,432.44 ± 288.06 gm.Thirty premature newborns (66%) received PN through peripheral line. In aweight loss period, their weights decreased by 10.59 ± 5.83% and later theweight increased by 22.30 ± 7.91 g/day. A total of 271 pharmacist’sinterventions were done in preventing and solving the inappropriate PNformula. The majority of interventions involved changing the quantities ofprotein in the formula to prevent metabolic complications caused by PN(phlebitis). There were 175 (64.58%) interventions accepted of which 166interventions (95.95%) could prevent and solve the problem. Conclusion:Pharmaceutical care service in premature newborns who received PNpositively resulted in the great clinical outcomes and the pharmacist’sintervention could prevent and solve the inappropriate PN formula.Key words: pharmaceutical care, parenteral nutrition, premature newborn

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