
In this writing, we present a theoretical network that supports interinstitutional projects developed at both universities University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC and Rural Federal University of the Semi-Arid - UFERSA. It is the analysis of cognitive processes that emerge from the experience of children and young people with developmental disorders in interactions mediated by digital technologies. The Biology of Cognition by Maturana and Varela favor the understanding of how subjects reconfigure cognition in circular movements of maintenance of the organization, while everything transforms itself in affective and cognitive terms. Simondon discusses the connections between the processes of both individualization technique and psychic and collective individuation, which happen as a becoming in which we think the subject that makes himself in the experience of living. The research projects are produced in the interface technology-education-mental health and invite us for experiences in which children and young people with cognitive disorders potentiate cognition, experiences whose emphasis is on careful, on listening and observation and analysis of processes that have to see with the power and devires of the human.En el artículo se presenta una red teórica de soporte a proyectos interinstitucionales desarrollados en las universidades UNISC – Universidad de Santa Cruz do Sul y UFERSA – Universidad Federal Rural del Semiárido. Se hace el análisis de los procesos cognitivos que surgen de la experiencia con niños y jóvenes con trastorno cognitivo de desarrollo a partir de interacciones mediadas con tecnologías digitales. La Biología de la Cognición por Maturana y Varela aporta la comprensión de cómo los sujetos reconfiguran la cognición en movimientos circulares de manutención de la organización, mientras todo se transforma en términos afectivos y cognitivos. Simondon habla de las conexiones entre el proceso de individualización técnica y individualización psíquica y colectiva que sucede como un devenir donde podemos creer que el sujeto se hace de la experiencia del vivir. Los proyectos de investigación actúan en la interfaz educación-tecnologías-salud mental y invitan a experimentos en los que niños y jóvenes con trastornos cognitivos potencializan su cognición y experiencias, cuya énfasis está en el cuidado, escucha, observación y análisis de los procesos relacionados con las potencialidades y devenires del ser humano.In this writing, we present a theoretical network that supports interinstitutional projects developed at both universities University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC and Rural Federal University of the Semi-Arid - UFERSA. It is the analysis of cognitive processes that emerge from the experience of children and young people with developmental disorders in interactions mediated by digital technologies. The Biology of Cognition by Maturana and Varela favor the understanding of how subjects reconfigure cognition in circular movements of maintenance of the organization, while everything transforms itself in affective and cognitive terms. Simondon discusses the connections between the processes of both individualization technique and psychic and collective individuation, which happen as a becoming in which we think the subject that makes himself in the experience of living. The research projects are produced in the interface technology-education-mental health and invite us for experiences in which children and young people with cognitive disorders potentiate cognition, experiences whose emphasis is on careful, on listening and observation and analysis of processes that have to see with the power and devires of the human

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