
1998年から2004年までの間に原発性肺癌にて根治手術を施行した81例,男性59例,女性22例を対象として,男女間に肺癌病態の違いがあるかについて検討した.背景因子の比較では女性では腺癌が有意に多かった.5年健存率を比較すると,男性は53.9%であるのに対し,女性は73.1%と高かったが,有意差は認めなかった.Cox比例ハザードモデルで多変量解析をおこなうと,p-stageのみが有意な予後因子であり,性差は独立した予後因子とはいえなかった.Clinicopathological features and outcomes of 59 male and 22 female patients with primary lung cancer treated between 1998 and 2004 were analyzed. A comparison of the characteristics according to gender showed that adenocarcinoma was more frequent in women than in men but there was no significant difference in the distribution of other clinicopathological factors. The 5-year disease free rate of the women was not significantly higher than that of the men, being 73.1% vs 53.9%. A multivariate analysis of survival revealed that the p-stage was a significant prognostic factor, but gender was an insignificant determinant of survival

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