
Uĉenici sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole doživljavaju brojne promjene, a uskoro se nalaze pred najvećom odlukom dosad, odlukom upisa u srednju školu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos između straha od neuspjeha i emocionalne kompetentnosti, emocionalne stabilnosti, temeljnih uvjerenja o sebi te podrške bliskih osoba. Također, zanimalo nas je razlikuju li se uĉenici prema spomenutim varijablama s obzirom na spol i dob. U istraživanje se krenulo s pretpostavkom kako će manji strah od neuspjeha biti povezan s većom emocionalnom stabilnošću, emocionalnom kompetencijom, pozitivnijim temeljnim uvjerenjima o sebi te doživljajem veće socijalne potpore. Rezultati su pokazali kako je manji strah od neuspjeha povezan s većom emocionalnom stabilnošću, pozitivnijim temeljnim uvjerenjima o sebi te doživljajem veće socijalne potpore od strane obitelji i vršnjaka. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se utvrditi i da nema znaĉajnih razlika između uĉenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole, ali da postoje razlike u odnosu na spol pa će tako uĉenice prije doživjeti strah od neuspjeha od uĉenika. Bitno je raditi s uĉenicima kako bi se njihov doživljaj straha smanjivao te kako bi se optimalno razvijali.Seventh and eighth grade students of primary school are experiencing many changes and soon they will face the biggest decision so far, the decision about what secondary school to choose. The goal of this research was to examine the relationship between fear of failure and emotional competence, emotional stability, fundamental beliefs about myself and support of people close to person. Moreover, we were interested whether students differ in variables mentioned when it comes to their sex and age. The research started with the assumption that less fear of failure will be connected with greater emotional stability, greater emotional competence, more positive fundamental beliefs about myself and with the feeling of greater support. Results showed that less fear of failure is connected with greater emotional stability, positive fundamental beliefs about myself and feeling of great support from family and peers. Based on these results, one can claim that there are no significant differences between seventh and eighth grade students of primary school but there are differences concerned with students' sex, claiming that female students will experience more fear of failure than male students. It is important to work with students so that they experience less fear and so that they could develop in an optimal way

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