Просторна и вертикална дистрибуција Cs137 у земљишту Србије


U ovom radu prikazane su specifične aktivnosti 137Cs u zemljištu Srbije u periodu od 2006. do 2014. godine. Predstavljena je prostorna distribucija ovog radionuklida, distribucija po dubini zemljišnog profila za različite tipove zemljišta i veza sa fizičko-hemijskim karakteristikama zemljišta. Ovi rezultati daju uvid u glavne faktore koji utiču na migraciju 137Cs u zemljištu, što doprinosi saznanjima o ponašanju ovog radionuklida u životnoj sredini i faktorima koji regulišu njegovu mobilnost unutar kopnenih ekosistema.In this study the specific activities of 137Cs were determined in the soil of Serbia in the period from 2006 to 2014. The spatial and vertical distribution of 137Cs in the soil profiles of different soil types and its relationships with the physico-chemical soil properties were analyzed. The obtained results provide insight into the key factors influencing the migration of 137Cs in the soil, which contributes to knowledge of its behavior in the environment and the factors affecting its mobility within terrestrial ecosystems.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

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