Item does not contain fulltextA certain part of WAG/Rij rats combines genetically predisposed absence epilepsy with susceptibility to the development of audiogenic seizures. Repeated sound stimulation leads in audiogenic susceptible rats to propagation of epileptic discharges from the brainstem to the forebrain and neocortex. In the present study the influence of repeated audiogenic stimulation on the open field behaviour in audiogenic sensitive (AS, n=8) and non-sensitive (ANS, n=7) female WAG/Rij rats was investigated. All rats were daily tested in the open field, thereafter underwent to audiogenic stimulation, over a period of ten days. A significant influence of audiogenic seizures on number of ambulations, vertical rearings and faecal boli, as well as on total duration of grooming was found. Mean duration of latent period was found markedly dependent on the time factor. There were no factorial interactions. Both AS and ANS groups showed slow habituation to the open field testing, which might be related to high activity of dopaminergic system. The results of analysis of the open field activity in AS rats demonstrate an increased level of anxiety-like behaviour from the beginning onwards. It was suggested that mixed form of epilepsy in AS rats might be used to study the mechanisms of behavioural and emotional disturbances associated with epileptic disorders