
3-D seismic exploration for the Victorio Peak treasure


In January of 1994, we conducted an extensive seismic experiment to find caverns under Victorio Peak, a bioherm reef structure located approximately 80 miles northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Within Victorio Peak there is reputed to be an extensive network of caverns, tunnels and fissures that contain a large and varied treasure consisting of gold bars, Spanish armor, jewels, coins, and human skeletons. We used an array of seismic sources that included a sledgehammer on the surface of the mountain, a sledgehammer impacting on the walls of two deep fissures within the mountain, as well as blasting caps located in boreholes drilled into the mountain. Approximately 2,000 source positions were recorded by 120 receiver channels consisting of geophones cemented into fissure walls and hydrophones deployed in a deep horizontal borehole drilled at the base of the mountain. The data analysis consisted of measuring reduced traveltime and amplitude of the direct arrival and isolating those source/receiver pairs that exhibited anomalously large direct arrival traveltimes and/or low amplitudes. We have currently identified and located a major amplitude anomaly under the peak that will be drilled and explored during the summer of 1994

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