
Calcul d'une valeur d'un facteur epsilon par une formule int\'egrale


Let d and m be two natural numbers of distinct parities. Let π\pi be an admissible irreducible tempered representation of GL(d,F), where F is a p-adic field. We assume that π\pi is self-dual. Then we can extend π\pi as a representation π~\tilde{\pi} of a non-connected group GL(d,F){1,θ}GL(d,F)\rtimes \{1,\theta\}. Let ρ\rho be a representation of GL(m,F). We assume that it has similar properties as π\pi. Jacquet, Piatetski-Shapiro and Shalika have defined the factor ϵ(s,π×ρ,ψ)\epsilon(s,\pi\times\rho,\psi). We prove that we can compute ϵ(1/2,π×ρ,ψ)\epsilon(1/2,\pi\times\rho,\psi) by an integral formula where occur the characters of π~\tilde{\pi} and ρ~\tilde{\rho}. It's similar to the formula which, for special orthogonal groups, computes the multiplicities appearing in the local Gross-Prasad conjecture

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