
Aktivnosti nastavnika u obrazovanju odraslih ne ograničavaju se samo na poučavanje već uključuju i brigu o dobrobiti polaznika, motiviranosti i cjelokupnu preobrazbu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razinu samoprocjene kompetencija nastavnika u osnovnom obrazovanju odraslih. Mjera samoprocjene kompetencije nastavnika sadržavala je deset pitanja o kompetencijama u određenim područjima rada nastavnika, poput izrade nastavnih sadržaja, podučavanja polaznika, izrade prezentacija, određivanja ishoda učenja i sl. Rezultati su pokazali da je razina samoprocjene kompetencija nastavnika visoka, s iznimkom procjena mjera digitalnih kompetencija i mjera kompetencija koja zahtijevaju jasna teorijska znanja. Samoprocjena kompetencija nastavnika negativno je povezana s godinama radnog iskustva te s radom isključivo u obrazovanju odraslih i odjeljenjima s polaznicima kojima hrvatski nije materinji jezik.The activities of the teachers in adult education are not limited only to teaching, but include the welfare of the attendees, their motivation and overall change. The aim of this research was to determine the level of self-assessment of teacher competences in adult education. The measure of self-assessment of teacher competence contained ten questions about competences in certain areas of teacher work, such as curriculum development, student training, presentation creation, determination of learning outcomes, etc. The results showed that self-assessment of teacher competence is high, with the exception of estimation of digital competencies and measures of competencies that require clear theoretical knowledge. Self-assessment of teacher competences is negatively associated with years of work experience, with the work solely in adult education and the classes with the majority of attendees whose native language is not Croatian

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