The association between adiponectin (+45T/G) and adiponectin receptor-2 (+795G/A) single nucleotide polymorphisms with cirrhosis in Iranian population


Adiponectin which possesses anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties is elevated in blood circulation of liver cirrhosis patients. The genetic variations in the adiponectin gene can affect the circulating adiponectin level and stimulation of adiponectin receptor that may affect the activity of adiponectin. We investigated the effect of adiponectin single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) 45 T/G and adiponectin receptor-2 gene SNP 795G/ A in cirrhotic Iranian population. A total of 97 cirrhotic patients and 128 healthy controls from Iranian population were genotyped for the adiponectin and adiponectin receptor 2 gene (?45TG and 795G/A) by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. G frequency was 21.1% versus 12.89% (P = 0.001) for SNP45, and G frequency was 75.8% versus 76.2% (P = 0.526) for SNP795G/A in the patients and control group, respectively. Based on our findings, the expression of the G allele at SNP45 is higher in the patient group compared with healthy subjects, suggesting that it may affect liver injury through changes in the plasma adiponectin level.© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

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