Surgical outcomes in patients with anterior communicating artery aneurysms


AcomA aneurysms are complicated and high incidence lesions. The successful treatment depends on understanding the anatomical location of aneurysm. The early surgery and selecting the superior method of surgery and post-operative cares affect the surgical outcomes of these patients. In this study 30 patients who were admitted to Firoozgar Hospital in a 3-year period (2001-2004), undergone surgery. In all patients early surgery with Pterioneal method was confirmed. We apply the basic tenets of aneurysm surgery, including vascular control, sharp dissection, meticulous preservation of perforating arteries and intraoperative monitoring to lesions of the AcomA complex. This focus eliminates unnecessary operative manipulations and we prepare for any crises that might arise. The majority of patients (83.3) were in grade I or II (Hunt and Hess scale). The rate of mortality was 10. The results of this study demonstrated that the early surgery and selecting the superior method of surgery and post-operative cares improve the surgical outcome of ruptured AcomA aneurysms. © 2006 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

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