Pregnancy in non-communicating rudimentary horn of a unicornuate uterus


Diagnosis and management of pre-rupture stage of the pregnant horn are difficult and usually missed on a routine ultrasound scan. Also most cases are detected after rupture of pregnant horn. We presented a 28-year-oldG2 L1 woman with diagnosis of rudimentary horn pregnancy (RHP) at 14 weeks of gestation. We diagnosed her with a normal intrauterine pregnancy, whereas a pregnancy in a right-sided non-communicating rudimentary horn with massive he-moperitoneum was later discovered on laparotomy. RHP has a high risk of death for mother, so there must be a strong clinical suspicion for the diagnosis of RHP. Although there is a major advancement in field of diagnostic ultrasound and other imaging modalities, prenatal diagnosis has remained elusive and a laparotomy surgery is considered as a definitive diagnosis. © 2017, Royan Institute (ACECR). All rights reserved

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