Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Persian Version of Voice Disability Coping Questionnaire (P-VDCQ): Introducing a New Instrument


Objectives: Coping is one of the important concepts in psychology, which is pertinent to how persons with illness manage the stress of that condition. Voice Disability Coping Questionnaire (VDCQ) is an assessment tool for quantifying coping strategies in those with voice disability. The purpose of the present study was to investigate reliability and validity of the Persian version of VDCQ (P-VDCQ). Method: Translation procedure was performed according to the World Health Organization guidelines, and then 138 persons (88 persons with voice disorders and 50 controls) completed the questionnaire. Psychometric properties of the P-VDCQ were investigated. Results: There was a significant difference between the mean value of patients with dysphonia and that of the control group. The results of test-result reliability indicated that there is a high correlation between repeated administration of the questionnaire (intraclass correlation coefficient = 89.7). Also, a high Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.94) revealed a good internal consistency. Participants' scores in this instrument had a moderate correlation with their scores on Voice Activity Participation Profile�Persian version (r = 0.41, P < 0.001). Conclusion: The P-VDCQ is a reliable and a valid instrument that can be used to investigate coping strategies of patients with dysphonia in clinical settings and for research purposes. © 2018 The Voice Foundatio

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