The relationship between the findings of transvaginal dynamic sonography with patient�s signs and symptoms after mid-urethral sling surgery using TVT tape


Introduction: Stress urinary incontinence is a major problem affecting economic - social aspects and private lives of many women. Different surgical techniques such as TVT are used to treat the problem. This study was performed with aim to investigate the relationship between the findings of transvaginal dynamic sonography with patient�s signs and symptoms after Mid-urethral sling surgery using TVT tape. Methods: In this study, all women aged between 17 to 88 years who underwent TVT surgery for treatment of urinary incontinence at Tehran Hasheminejad Hospital during the past 2 years (2011-2013) and at least three months had passed of their surgery were entered to the study. A questionnaire for evaluation of age, body mass index, parity, irritative and obstructive symptoms was completed by the urologist. Then, a radiologists performed transvaginal ultrasound for the patients to determine the distance of tape from the urethra and bladder neck. Data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software (version 16) and non-parametric tests. PResults: Among 190 patients, 22 cases (10) had irritative symptoms, 14 (?) obstructive symptoms, and 17 (8.9) with symptoms of incontinence urgency. The sonography showed that mean distance of tape (c shape) from urethra was 3 ± 0.3 mm and mean distance of tape (c shape) from bladder neck was 11.3 ± 0.3 mm; there was no significant relationship between the prevalence of irritative symptoms and variables (P=0.14). Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between the findings of dynamic trans-vaginal ultrasound with patient�s signs and symptoms after Mid-urethral sling surgery using TVT tape to treat urinary incontinence in women. © 2015, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

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