
Comparison of Dislocation Characterization by Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging and Cross-Correlation Electron Backscattered Diffraction


In this work, the relative capabilities and limitations of electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI) and cross-correlation electron backscattered diffraction (CC-EBSD) have been assessed by studying the dislocation distributions resulting from nanoindentation in body centered cubic Ta. Qualitative comparison reveals very similar dislocation distributions between the CC-EBSD mapped GNDs and the ECC imaged dislocations. Approximate dislocation densities determined from ECC images compare well to those determined by CC-EBSD. Nevertheless, close examination reveals subtle differences in the details of the distributions mapped by these two approaches. The details of the dislocation Burgers vectors and line directions determined by ECCI have been compared to those determined using CC-EBSD and reveal good agreement

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