Emerging Two-Dimensional Crystallization of Cucurbit[8]uril Complexes: From Supramolecular Polymers to Nanofibers.


The binding of imidazolium salts to cucurbit[8]uril, CB[8], triggers a stepwise self-assembly process with semiflexible polymer chains and crystalline nanostructures as early- and late-stage species, respectively. In such a process, which involves the crystallization of the host-guest complexes, the guest plays a critical role in directing self-assembly toward desirable morphologies. These include platelet-like aggregates and two-dimensional (2D) fibers, which, moreover, exhibit viscoelastic and lyotropic properties. Our observations provide a deeper understanding of the self-assembly of CB[8] complexes, with fundamental implications in the design of functional 2D systems and crystalline materials.EPSRC (reference no. EP/ G060649/1), ERC Starting Investigator Grant (project no. 240629, ASPiRe) Next Generation Fellowship from the Walters-Kundert Foundation. MINE- CO, the FSE and the FEDER for funding through projects RYC-2015-18471 (Ramoń y Cajal program) and CTQ2017- 84087-R. Royal Society University Research Fellowship UF160152. EPSRC CDT in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoDTC), grant number EP/L015978/1

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