Monitoramento dos níveis de metais pesados e aplicação da técnica gamaespectrométrica no lixão desativado de Lages-SC


The indiscriminate outdoor launching of urban solid waste, in landfills, generates major impacts on the local environment. Leachate, a dark liquid that is originated from the partial decomposing of solid waste and contains organic compounds and heavy metals, ends up infiltrating itself into the soil of these places, contaminating them. Its leaking is still responsible from the contamination of hydric bodies that may cross these areas, making its waters inappropriate for many uses, including the human consumption. Local geology may result in higher concentrations of radioactive elements. Thus, the continuous monitoring of these areas is extremely necessary. The studied area in this work is the deactivated landfill of the municipality of Lages-SC. There were collected samples of superficial soils and water, on different and predetermined spots, which had their concentrations of heavy metals determined in a laboratory. Levels of radioactive elements and the radiation exposure dose were also analyzed, by the use of gammaspectrometry. Posteriorly, there were generated comparative tables between the obtained values and legal values for soils, water, radioactive elements and radiation exposure dose. There were also generated surface maps in order to represent the spatial distribution of radioactive elements and radiation exposure doses. The obtained results expose that the waters of the streams that cross the area possess a high degree of contamination, meanwhile the superficial soils have lower levels of the analyzed metals. Regarding the radiation exposure doses and the concentrations of radioactive elements, the area is considered safe. However, the analyzes of these and other parameters will continue to be performed, in order to properly monitor the environmental situation of the area

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