Trials in development of a scheme of the educational guidance based on “the Layer model of mathematical activities”


 これまで数多く用いられてきた「数学的活動」について,本校における視点で再考するとともに,新しく改訂される学習指導要領に示される指導内容についても検討する。その具体として教科書の構成を「数学的活動のレイヤー論」の視点で捉え直す。これまで一つの単元で構成されがちであったカリキュラム設計を,単元や領域の枠を超えて組み直すことで,課題に対し様々なアプローチを可能とし,より深化した数学的活動を目指すこととなる。本年度は模索しながらもその実践を繰り返すことで数学的活動をどのように捉え直すことができるかを考え,その成果と課題について考察した。 /  While reviewing various traditionally used “mathematical activities” from a viewpoint shared in our junior high school, we examined teaching contents exhibited by Education Ministry Guidelines which are supposed to be newly revised. As a result of the review, we propose a revision of composition of math textbooks in terms of the “Layer model of mathematical activities”. We also provide more elaborated mathematical activities that enable various approaches to a problem, by restructuring curriculum designs, that have been often structured by a single course unit, beyond the frames of course units or disciplines. In this paper we also discuss results and problems emerged from our trials and practices of these improved mathematical activities

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