Teaching of process of statistical investigation that emphasizes verification of hypothesis at the secondary school: Lesson study of ‘What shape of rectangle is beautiful?’ in the unit of 'Making Use of Data' for grade 7


 平成29年公示の学習指導要領では,内容ベースから能力ベースに移行するとともに数学科における統計領域の学習内容の拡充がなされる。そこで本稿は,検証を重視した統計的な探究の能力の育成を意図した学習指導を提案する。これを,中学校第1学年を対象とした「どんな長方形が美しいか」の統計的な探究による授業研究によって行う。結論として,生徒は当初のデータによるヒストグラムの分布とデータを加工して度数分布を変えたヒストグラムの分布と比較するという検証につながる活動を行うことができた。これら一連の活動は教師の組織的な発問によって導かれた。しかし,生徒にいかなる能力を育成したかについてはさらに研究が必要である。 /  The Japanese course of study that published in FY 2017 going to shift from contentbased to competence-based organization. In addition, it is increased contents of statistics in mathematics. Therefore, this paper proposes the lesson plan intended to develop the competence of statistical investigation that emphasizes verification. The method of research is lesson study of statistical investigation in the 7th grade that is ‘What shape of rectangle is beautiful?’ as a statistical problem.As a result, students who were the subject in the lesson were able to perform activity of leading to verification that is to compare the distribution of the histogram according to the original data with distribution of another histogram that changed by processing the data. These series of activities were led by a systematic question of the teacher. However, what competence the students are acquiring should beresearched further

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