Different countries, different strategies. "Green" member states influencing EU climate policy


Contains fulltext : 46888.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)Environmentally proactive member states of the European Union (EU) influence European legislation in different ways. Green ' pushers' seek direct influence al the EU level, whereas 'forerunners' try to gel national elements incorporated in an indirect fashion. Together with a second dimension, the nature of national policies (purposeful or incremental), four national positions towards EU legislation can be identified: pusher-by-examplc, constructive pusber, defensive forerunner, and opter-OUl We applied an amended version of this framework to the influence of three 'green' member states (the Netherlands, the United Kingdom., and Denmark) on the European Commission and the European Council when preparing and deciding on new legislation as to carbon dioxide taxation and emissions trading (related to climate policy). Different aspeclS of influence were tested: timing, nature of contacts, alliance building, and uploading of national clcmcnl'!. We concluded that one type of position should be revised (lale starter is preferable to optcr-out); besides. countries may simultaneously follow diffcrent strategies rather than adopt one single approach

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