FastSME dataset


FastSME dataset EPENDYMAL CELLS Postnatal day 1 Centrin2GFP transgenic mouse, Ependymal cell junctions stained with βCatenin; nascent centrioles with mouse IgG2b anti-Sas-6 Confocal Apotome2 (Zeiss) CCD 40x 1024X1024 X58 0.18x0.18 x0.28 DENDRITES 14 days cerebellar mixed culture, Purkinje cells immunolabeled with calbindin, granule cells with VGLUT1 Confocal Leica SP5 PMT 63x 255X700 X32 0.06x0.06 x0.19 MEMBRANE1 Ependymal cell junctions stained with rab- bit anti-ZO1 (Life Technologies) Confocal Leica SP8 Hybrid 40x 407X421 X19 0.18x0.18 x0.28 NEURON1 GFP labeled Purkinje cell in 8 days cerebellar mixed culture Widefield Leica DMiRBE CCD 10x 168X201 X8 0.06x0.06 x0.19 NEURON2 CaPB labeled Purkinje cell in 7 days cerebellar mixed culture Confocal Leica SP5 PMT 63x 1024X1024 X31 0.06x0.06 x0.19 TUBULIN Primary cycling ependymal progenitor in vitro immunostained for tyrosinated tubulin Widefield Apotome 2 (Zeiss) CCD 100x 556X610 X21 0.065x0.065 x0.23 CANCER CELL Study of colocalization of huntingtin phosphorylation at serine 421 (S421-P-HTT) with cellcell junction at MCF10 Healthy cells Confocal Leica SP5 Hybrid 63x 512X512 X34 0.12x0.12 x0.125 NUCLEI Centrin2GFP transgenic mouse at P45, Ependymal cell necleus stained with DAPI, junctions stained with rabbit anti-ZO1 (Life Technologies) Confocal Leica SP8 Hybrid 63x 370X335 X24 0.121x0.121 x0.21 7 5 SYNTHETIC TISSUE Cell junctions and centrioles on a complex synthetic manifold Confocal 400X400 X128 - 0

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