
Computational modeling indicates that cardiac conduction may involve ephaptic coupling - intercellular communication involving electrochemical signaling across narrow extracellular clefts between cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that β1(SCN1B) -mediated adhesion scaffolds trans-activating NaV1.5 (SCN5A) channels within narrow (V1.5. Smart patch clamp (SPC) indicated greater sodium current density (INa) at perinexi, relative to non-junctional sites. A novel, rationally designed peptide, βadp1, potently and selectively inhibited β1-mediated adhesion, in electric cell-substrate impedance sensing studies. βadp1 significantly widened perinexi in guinea pig ventricles, and selectively reduced perinexal INa, but not whol e cell INa, in myocyte monolayers. In optical mapping studies, βadp1 precipitated arrhythmogenic conduction slowing. In summary, β1-mediated adhesion at the perinexus facilitates action potential propagation between cardiomyocytes and may represent a novel target for anti-arrhythmic therapies

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