Numerical Model of Riverine Inputs on Port of Rijeka Coastal Area


U ovom radu, napravljen je model strujanja vode unutra luke Porto Baroš, koja je dio Riječkog obalnog područja u svrhu njene renovacije i prenamjene. Za potrebe numeričke simulacije, prethodno je provedeno mjerenje dubine morskog dna luke Porto Baroš, na temelju kojeg je izrađena njena geometrija te numerička domena. Izradom simulacije strujanja, analizirani su utjecaji riječnih utoka na područje Luke, nakon koje su izvršene analize idejnih rješenja sa uvođenjem cijevnih ispustima s ciljem smanjenje onečišćenja dotokom riječne vode u Luku. Geometrija luke izrađena je izrađena u komercijalnom softveru SMS, a numerička domena i simulacije u OpenFOAM open source softveru.In this paper, a model of water flow in the Porto Baroš has been developed, which is the part of the Rijeka coastal area, for the purpose of it's renovation and conversion. For numerical simulation purposes, the depth of the seabed of Port was previously performed, based on which the geometry and numerical domain of Port were made. By conducting the flow simulation, the analysis was carried out, after which the analyses of the conceptual solutions with the introduction of the pipe discharge were performed with the aim of reducing the pollution of river water in Port. Port geometry will be made in commercial SMS software, and numerical domains and simulations in OpenFOAM open source software

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