Design and Validation of Embedded Real-Time Applications


International audienceThe design and validation of embedded real-time applications is challenging, especially when legacy sub-systems are involved. To account for the uncertainty in system-development at early design stages we use statistical modelling and discrete event simulation to perform sensitivity analysis. These analysis results provide vital information about the system characteristics and indicate usage scenarios where the behaviour of the system differs significantly from the average case. Based on the simulation results and the initial system requirements a usage model for the application is being set up. The model represents the requirements in an unambiguous and traceably correct manner. For each possible path through the model, considering stimuli and their timing, a unique system reaction is defined. This way the requirements are clarified. The usage model allows the derivation of test cases that can be used in the design phase to validate the model and in the acceptance phase to test the final system. Through the combination of the simulation results and the usage modelling we are able to:•identify critical system conditions.•validate the system design w.r.t. the usage modelThe proposed methods are currently applied in both the design and validation of safety critical applications

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