Experimental Investigation of Static Channel Bonding Performance in Competitive Environment -Impact of Different MAC Procedures in 802.11ac-


Channel bonding technology, which bundles multiple adjacent channels for frame transmission, is one of the promising way for improving throughput performance in IEEE802.11ac wireless LANs. However, channel bonding technology leads to co-channel interference with other access points (APs) within the bonded channels. In our previous study, we investigated transmission performance of several commercially-available 802.11ac APs. As a result, we clarified three communication procedures from difference in method of implementation of Request To Send (RTS) / Clear To Send (CTS) or not. Furthermore, we investigated the impact of RTS/CTS on transmission performance by conducting experiments where two APs using RTS/CTS are competing in a bonded channels. However, we have not investigated transmission performance in the case that APs with different transmission procedures compete with each other in a bonded channels. Therefore, in this study, we conducted experiments using real WLAN products. Then, we compared and evaluated the communication performance in the case that two APs with different transmission procedures compete in the same channel. As a result, we showed that the AP employing CTS-to-self doesn’t set duration time in CTS frames, thereby the communication performance of the AP using RTS/CTS in channel bonding degrades due to frequent collisions in conflict channel. On the other hand, since AP not using RTS/CTS dynamically adjusts the number of data frames for each transmission opportunity to avoid frame collisions, we confirmed that the communication performance can be relatively maintained even under the competitive environment. / IEEE802.11ac規格の通信高速化技術の一つに、隣接する複数のチャネルをまとめて利用するチャネルボンディング機能がある。しかし、通信帯域が拡大するため他の無線LAN機器と競合しやすくなってしまう。先行研究では、競合しない環境の単一のAPの通信性能を調査し、オプション機能のRequest To Send (RTS) / Clear To Send (CTS)の実装方法の違いから3パターンの通信手順があることを明らかにしたうえで、RTS/CTS利用の有無が競合時に性能に与える影響を調査した。しかし、CTS-to-Selfによる競合時の影響は未だ明らかになっていない。そこで本研究では、実機を用いた実験を行い、CTS-to-Selfによる競合時の通信性能を調査するとともに、3パターンの通信手順の競合時における各通信性能の比較および評価を行った。その結果、CTS-to-selfによる通信手順ではNAV期間が確保できていないためフレーム衝突が起こりやすく、RTS/CTSを利用しチャネルボンディングさせていたAPに悪影響を与えていた。それに対して、RTS/CTSを利用しないAPは、送信機会毎のデータフレーム数を調節しながら通信していたためフレーム衝突が起こりにくく、お互いの通信性能への影響が低減されていることがわかった。電子情報通信学会 スマート無線研究会(SR), 2018年10月30日-31日, Bangkok, Thailan

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