Reaction and Response Time of Football Players as Affected by an Audible Change of Play


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of audible plays at the line of scrimmage on reaction and response time of college football players, in carrying out selected offensive assignments correctly. The subjects included sixteen experienced football players from the 1967 freshman and varsity football teams at South Dakota State University. A total of 240 reaction times and 240 response times were measured. Each subject was tested with eight audible and eight nonaudible play sequences. Three practice trials were given before testing each individual. Errors were recorded, and the trials in which they occurred were repeated. The response time and reaction time data obtained were analyzed by employing the paired t comparison, then determining the significance of the difference between the means at the .01 level of significance. Each subject acted as his own control. As a result of the statistical analysis of the data obtained, the investigator found non-audible plays to be faster than audible plays, but not statistically significant at the .01 level. Audible plays were also found to produce a greater number of errors in performance

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