Genetic diversity Apodemus sylvaticus and Apodemus flavicollis in Lithuania


Mice of genus Apodemus are wide spred in Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Twenty one species are now recognized, but morfological similarity makes difficulties to recognize these species. Therer is a requirement of molecular markers to clear species identification. The aim of our investigation was to evalute genetic diversity of A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis in Lithuania using ISSR markers. For DNA research was captured 45 mices from Kaunas district, 13 from Zemaitija National park, 130 rodents from Neringa, 13 from Kaisiadoriai district, and 49 from Juodkrante. Also for research using other mouse from previos Vytautas Magnus University Natural science falculty expeditions from Norway, where were captured 15 Apodemus genus mouse. Using chloroform method „Genomic DNA Purification Kit“(Fermentas, K0512). DNA was extracted from ears and muscules for genome studies. Chosen primers: AP-1 (5‘-(CAG)5GC-3‘), AP-2 (5‘-(CAG)4AC-3’), AP-5 (5‘-(G)6GC-3’), E8S(5‘-TAAATGGGACAGGTAGGACC-3’) and Ep8 1 (5‘CCTTACTGCCTCTTGCTTC-3’). For PCR data analysis used horizontal 1,5% agarose gels. The size of the fragments ranged from 300 to 1700 bp. The primers AP-2, AP-5 and E8S were the most informative to study genetic diversyti of genus ApodemusBiologijos katedraTado Ivanausko zoologijos muziejusVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

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