Determination of the electroporation threshold for pulses from 95 ns to 20 us


The dependences of the fraction of electroporated mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells on the pulse intensity were obtained for the cells exposed to a single square-wave electric pulse with the duration from 95 ns to 20 μs. The amplitude of an electric pulse was varied from 0.4 to 12 kV/cm. Increasing the intensity of the electric field pulse increased the fraction of electroporated cells. The electric field, which lead to a given percentage of electroporation, decreased with increasing the pulse length. The dependence of the amplitude of the electric pulse required to electroporate 50 % of mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells on the pulse duration was also determinedBiologijos katedraFizinių ir technologijos mokslų centro Puslaidininkių fizikos institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

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