Socialinis verslas kaimo vietovėse: kokį modelį pasirinkti veiklai?


Straipsnyje aptariami socialinio verslo veikimo modeliai Lietuvoje, taikytini pagal apibrėžtą socialinio verslo koncepciją ir jos taikymo rekomendacijas. Temos aktualumas grindžiamas kaimo vietovių sudėtinga ekonomine socialine situacija ir naujų inovatyvių sprendimų paieška esančioms problemoms spręstiSocial entrepreneurship in rural areas is quite new activity in Lithuania but providing opportunities in difficult social and economic environment. The essence of social entrepreneurship requires not only willingness to implement social aims and perform social activity but understanding that such kind of business is not a charity or simple non-profit activity. Social entrepreneurship combines social and economic principles. The models of such business applicable by Lithuanian laws and regulations might be divided as follows: embedded, integrated and external. The differences among models allow different possibilities and involvement in this activity. Moderately favourable environment requires managerial knowledge and skills to organise and manage social businesses, but it can help farmers to diversify activity, create new job places in rural areasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

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