Angular dependence of Lα/ Lι, Lα/ Lβ, Lα/ Lγ, Lβ/ Lγ intensity ratios of Tl and Au at 59.5 keV


The angular dependence of Lα/Lι, Lα/Lβ, Lα/Lγ, Lβ/Lγ intensity ratios of Tl and Au were investigated at 59.5 keV by measuring the L x-ray peaks at different angles. The vacancies were created by 59.5 keV γ rays from an 241Am source and L x-rays were measured using a Si(Li) detector. It is found that the Lγ and Lβ groups of L x-rays are isotropic, the Lι and Lα groups are anisotropic in the spatial distribution. We compared our results with theoretical values. © TÜBİTAK

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