Inter-Cultural Communication as Groundwork of Successful Globalization Business Efforts


With the increasing pressures and opportunities of globalization, the incorporation of international networking alliances has become a mechanism for the internationalization of higher education. An increasing pressure for universities across the world to incorporate intercultural and international understanding and knowledge into the education of their students has become an issue. International literacy and inter-cultural understanding have become critical to a country’s cultural, technological, economic, and political health. It has become essential for universities to educate, or more importantly, “transform”, to function effectively and comfortably in a world characterized by close; multi-faceted relationships and permeable borders. Students must possess a certain level of global competence to understand the world they live in and how they fit into this world. This level of global competence starts at ground level ̶ the university and its faculty ̶ with how they generate and transmit inter-cultural knowledge and information to students

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