Studio geologico-strutturale per l'ottimizzazione della coltivazione di rocce ofiolitiche: il caso della cava "Tana dei Banditi" in localit\ue0 Carpenara (Genova)


Exposures of ophiolitic rocks define extractive sites with geological complexities that may influence the quarrying activities. This study concerns the "Tana dei Banditi" quarry located in the Carpenara village (Genoa), managed by the Frantoio del Tigullio Company. Using a multidisciplinary approach that integrated geological-structural and minero-petrographic analyses, we assessed: (I) the geological-structural setting of the quarry, (II) the geological-structural relationships between the extracted lithotype (Capenara metagabbro) and the surrounding units, (III) the petrographic characteristics, (IV) the geometry, distribution, and kinematics of the main deformation structures, and (V) the relationships between deformation structures and secondary mineralization. Our results can: (I) improve the quarry activities through the individuation of specific sectors in the deposit, and (II) provide a firstorder methodology for evaluating critical factors related to quarrying in ophiolitic rocks

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